Saturday, October 17, 2009

Rotavirus detection

Time really flies, 5 months of attachment is ending in a couple of weeks! Back to my post, i am going to talk about a small, easy-to-use and rapid kit that is used for the detection of rotavirus.

Rotavirus is a major cause of diarrheal illness among infants and childrens. As the name implies, it is a virus and can be classified into Group A-E based on their antigenic group on VP6. Group A is known to be the major cause of human rotavirus disease. The symptoms includes vomiting, watery diarrhoea and fever and may even leads to death due to severe dehydration.

[Rotavirus kit]
Test procedure:

1) Pipette 1 ml of the Rotavirus Extraction buffer into a test-tube.
2) Add around 100 ul or 50mg of stool sample into the test-tube.
3) Mix the mixture in the test-tube using the pipette
4) Let the stool sample to settle for around 3 minutes
5) Pipette 4 drops near the top part of the mixture into a round opening on the Rotavirus kit
3) Read the result on the kit after 5 minutes.

A blue control band will appear on the test kit.
A positive result will be indicated by a red test band along with the blue control band.
A negative result will only shows the blue control band.
If there is no blue control band, the test will be repeated with a new kit.

Signing off,
Yong Herng


  1. Hi. Ask you ar, what is the reason for pipetting from near the top part of the mixture into the kit? is it due to the virus will float on the surface? hehe just guessing only. Thanks.


  2. Hi!
    haha,i dont think the virus will float on the surface but no harm guessing.=). Anyway the reason is the stool sample have already settled down to the bottom and the top part of the mixture is the clear supernatant. This rotavirus kit is a immunochromatographic test which is based on the flow of liquid. If you pipette the sediments into the kit, the kit will be stuck and then the band will not appear.

    Hope i clarify your doubt. =)

    Yong Herng

  3. Hi

    What is the purpose of the rotavirus extraction buffer?


  4. Hi
    the extraction buffer is to extract the virus out from the stool samples.:)

    Yong Herng

  5. helllo,

    this kit tests the specific antigenic groups or just the presence of any group will show positive?


  6. Hulllo,
    according to the staff in my lab, the kit detect the whole range of antigenic groups,it does not limit detection to a specifc or particlar antigen. Therefore, if you are infectd with a certain antigenic group, the test kit will also show positive.;)

    Yong Herng

  7. Hi yong herng,

    What is VP6 and how did u classify the antigenic group according to VP6?

    Rachel :)

  8. Hi Rachel,
    VP6 is an internal structural protein in rotavirus. Basically, rotavirus has a three layer of capsid, namely; inner, intermediate, and outer layer. The inner layer contains the viral genome, VP6 is in the intermediate layer, while the outer layer consist of VP7 & VP4 structural proteins. VP6 form the major viral protein and is highly antigenic. Hence, it is the najor determinant in identifying the seven major(A-G) group of rotavirus.

    FYI:In addition to the group specificity, rotavirus also have 2 other major antigenic properties which is subgroup and serotype. VP4 and VP7 is used to identify the serotype specificity.
    Hope i answered your question.

